Thursday, March 15, 2007

Which way should i go...?

People are trying hard to get chance; however, it is paradoxically that sometimes it is also hard for us to decide when we have many choices at the same time.

I have 2 choices for me right now. first, to continue my master degree in SMU. second, to work back in my country. My professor seems to encourage me to apply for master degree program and he sorta assure me that i will get it if i apply as he will support me for it. If i get it, i will need to spend 1.5 more years in SMU to do research for my graduate certificate. It sounds pretty interesting with the fact that SMU will train and prepare us to get into top univeristy in the US or UK. So if i choose that stream, i will be getting Phd at the end...and then what i am going to do ? Being professor ? Yes, i dun mind to be, but not in Cambodia as the salary is too cheap to compensate with hard work to get a Phd from top uni in the US. So will i be professor in Singapore or in other countries ? Yes, i would like to, but the thing is i ultimately want to go back home with everybody in Cambodia. I am just sick of being alone.

If i choose my second choice which is to work in Cambodia, it would also be good as i will have a nice and joyful life in cambodia. It is very rare as well to get this chance to work with this company back home. I will be able to build my network extensively, hopefully, with this carrer.

Well, it sounds that i am so lazy and do not want to take the challenge, and overcome difficulties in being alone. It is just that somehow, i am tired of all those and i want to enjoy my life. If i choose option 1, i will be spending like 4 more years in hardship and work like hell...I simple just want a joyful life, yet i also dun want this rare opportunity to get a Phd....well, what should i choose ?...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see why it is a tough choice.

March 18, 2007 1:01 PM  
Blogger Happy Always said...

what can u see, sokly ?

March 18, 2007 1:06 PM  
Blogger Sambo Samphors said...

yes, it is. I've been in there once. Time will tell you. Every step you made is the right choice ;) I support your decision :)

March 18, 2007 11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is ur mother fucker flying alot ??? all of parent fucking are corruption and dont think about poor people. do you think that it was ur great life who ur parent doesnt think about poor people. all of you guy are dog and bullshit and asshole

May 24, 2007 6:54 PM  

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